Rice water works wonders with the hair as regards shine, longevity, thickness, growth and even regrowth. The nutrients and vitamins in it contribute greatly to the wellness of hair. Vitamin E in rice water is a kind of antioxidant that plays an important role in promoting the hair growth in general and it is particularly beneficial for those who have alopecia which is a disease that causes hair loss.

Hair issues disturb a greater chunk of human population for the variety of reasons. Among men, baldness shocks minds while brittle, coarse, dull, thinning hair and its loss are issues which appear to be a thorn in the flesh for women and rice water may prove to be a perfect solution.     


Making rice water is not an issue although it is really a problem for many people. Two methods are easy and popular – one is light rice water and the other is intense rice water.

  • SOAKING METHOD (Low intensity)

In this method, it is required to take half a cup of rice and put it in two cups of water. It should be left as it is for almost an hour or two then the rice should properly be strained with double layer of muslin cloth piece. The whitish water after separating of rice is ready to be used for hair. It is required to clean the rice by straining it before soaking.  

  • BOILING METHOD (High intensity)

This is the best method to prepare rice water as it gives prompt, quick and perfect results. In this method, a cup of rice should be taken after cleaning it through a strainer and three cups of water should be added to the rice and then the mixture should be boiled for 15-20 minutes. Let the boiled mixture cool down and afterwards, it should be strained with double layer of muslin cloth piece. Rice water is ready to be used on hair. If it gets thick, depending on quality of rice, some water may be added to rice water for thinning it.  


Though rice water is equally effective for the baldness, rice paste can also be used on the bald head. It can be prepared by soaking rice in water and grinding it into a paste. Boiled rice can also be turned into a paste by grinding it after it cools down. This paste may be applied on bald head for 15 to 20 minutes and then it should be washed away with normal water.


Rice water should be dabbed and rubbed gently with the finger tips in the roots of the hair on the scalp and then to the end of the hair covering them well from all sides and to the whole length. The rice water should be allowed to stay on the hair and scalp for two hours or more and then should be washed away with normal water. 


Rice water has anecdotal properties and helps hair in many ways. First of all, it detangles the hair by developing elasticity, smooth, shiny, soft and gentle appearance. It straightens the hair by removing brittle and shaggy appearance. The rice water enhances shine making it look brighter and well-groomed. Rice water gives strength to the hair as it prevents falling, tangling and breaking of the hair. It gives longevity to the hair by addressing many of the hair issues in a proper way. Last but not the least, rice water helps grow the hair as it has the ability to grow hair on the bald heads.


Though rice water has no negative effects on the hair or scalp, it should not be allowed to stay on the hair or scalp for a longer time because it may become smelly. It should not be used if scalp has rashes, scratches, sores, dense dandruff or any other such issue. Fermented rice water though is advantageous but should be avoided because of its acidic and alcoholic aspects which may prove to be damaging.


The question as to how long should rice water be used may boggle minds because many implications are involved in the reply. However, it varies from person to person as the hair condition should be taken as a guide. In normal situation, the results begin to appear in a week or two if rice water is used twice a week. In case of more complications, the hair begins to get smooth, shiny, soft and detangled after three weeks with twice a week application of rice water. In case of bald head, it may take more time with long and consistent use.


Historically, the Heian period (794-1185 CE) in Japan has been marked by the proverbial floor-length hair of the girls who used rice water for hair care and its growth. The same situation comes into limelight when it has been studied about Yao women who live in Huangluo village in China and have been known for having long, thick, healthy and shiny hair because they use rice water for hair growth. Moreover, rice water has been in use of women in Asia for the centuries as a natural beauty product and hair treatment and Asian women have been known for their long and thick hair.   


The rice water has been regarded as miraculous beauty product and hair remedy for the centuries in many regions particularly in Asian countries, However, it is getting steam as hair care and beauty product in European countries over some time. Although people take fairly long time to recognize the magical benefits of rice water, they are taking strides in the right direction to opt for rice water for addressing many of the hair issues. Better things begin to appear even after a day of the use of rice water on hair.  

FAQs (Frequent Asked Questions)

Which type of rice should be used for making rice water?

All types of rice can be used for making rice water

How often should rice water be used on hair?

Rice water can be used daily but twice a week is enough.

Are there any side effects of using rice water on hair?

The side effects of using rice water on hair are yet to be ascertained.

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