Fashion trends are the source of self-expression and individuality as these also give a sense of style. The fashion trends serve as reflection of cultural, traditional and social influences. Moreover, the fashion trends provide the foundation of the huge fashion industry as these keep the fashion industry vibrant with new designs and aesthetics.


Fashion trends are the product of imagination fantasized by the fashion designers who embody the work of mind through the models on the ramp. The trends in fashion are short lived as one trend gives way to the other after making a glowing show off and goes into the celler of time. However, it is possible that a trend makes a robust reappearance after sometime with better features and improvements. It is said that more or less a decade is required to bring a fashion trend again on the memory attics. Apart from presence in market issue, the fashion trends have many other traditional challenges which begin to stare them in the face in the embryonic stage and these problems begin even before the fashion trend could see the light of the day.


Despite that the new and innovative fashion trends are introduced in quick succession and their influence and impact remain pervasive in particular societies but the traditional costumes having cultural and regional aspects remain the preferred choice of a large segment of the societies. These traditional and cultural wearables pose challenge to the fashion trends. The following of the fashion trends is large in European countries, the US and others but in conventional societies in the Eastern, African and Middle Eastern, Far Eastern regions the traditional and conventional outfits are


Popularity is the name of fashion trend which is transitional in nature however, before going into oblivion, it goes deep into the hearts and minds and becomes the first choice among vast section of the people. Fashion trend relates to colour, product, silhouette, pattern, material or style when these get likeness of majority of people and they adopt, imitate or replicate them for a specific period. 

Fourteenth century saw the emergence of the fashion trends when the aristocracy and the elite began to show off their status and wealth through their appearance. Their preference of wearables was taken as a token of envy and lower strata also struggled to imitate them.

Fashion trends are characterized by the ebb and flow and rise and decline as once popular design is thrown away becomes extinct after some time. Foe instance, flappers was popular in the United States in early 18th century but was replaced by home girl and it came into limelight during the summer of 1922. The fading colours, styles, material and wearables are fads which come and go then return with variations but silhouette manages its presence without changes. Denim is the example which remained on the runaway for years with certain improvements and innovations and still is present in different forms.


Fashion trends is an evolutionary process and many factors like culture, traditions, social and economic conditions, technology, climatic considerations, mindset of different social tiers and peer pressure not only influence them but also overpower them. Apart from all these factors, fashion industry acts as influences and creators of the fashion trends. The designers team up with forecasting agencies which develop mood boards for particular brands with ideas about future colours, patterns, appearance, material, style and other such things. Most trends are found on the ramps but bringing the trends on the catwalks need a lot of background study, research, creativity, innovations and field work. The brands also take into account the institutional inputs as institutions like Pantone make thorough study and research of the trending colour, style and material. Fashion shows are not the only place where trends can be noticed as street styles are also a source of inspiration for the trends.

Fashion editors then come in the way as they observe the trends on the ramps and outside and write articles about them in the fashion magazines and in this way, the fashion trends are introduced to the people at large scale. Now the social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram are major source of spreading the fashion trends. The influencers and celebrities also play a major role in making the fashion trends popular.

The fashion trends introduced by famous fashion houses like Gucci, Zara, Levis and others have deeper impact, influence and acceptability.


Fashion trends have amoebic life cycle which starts from introduction then comes rise, fall and it comes to an end at the obsolescence stage.


The fashion trends are put on practice with their introduction at the catwalks or ramps where these attract attention of a large number of audiences related to the field. The designers put on display new colours, silhouette, material or style on the fashion shows. The fashion trends come into limelight when worn by celebrities or influencers.


 This is adolescence stage of the fashion trends when these begin to crawl upward and get noticed as the influencers and trendsetters begin to adorn themselves with new trending dresses as they display them on ramps, social media platforms, television and other such forums of mass media. The presentation of the same fashion trend in the same week by influencers, celebrities and trendsetters attract greater number of consumers and its demand rises. At this stage, the product wins the attention of the general public and then the mass markets and fast fashion start production of the trend. The retailers sensing the market preference begin to stuff their stores with new trendy dresses.


When the trend comes into easy access to the large section of consumers and becomes a routine for all the segments of society from lower to the elite, it touches the maximum height.  

  • FALL

When the market gets oversaturated with a trend, the trend losses its worth as it ceases to exude inspiration.


When a new trend appears on the horizon, the previous one loses its ground and goes into the oblivion. The presence of trend in the market varies as some remain on the stage for a long time while many has very rapid transition.

Conclusively, the fashion industry is a dynamic and vibrant industry worldwide and its diversity lies in the factor of change as introduction of one trend means billions of dollars that starts from the ramp and ends at the retailer shop. In this value chain millions and millions of people contribute their inputs and make money. Globally, the clothing industry has the worth of over $1.4 trillion with over 300 million people who are involved in it.


What is the purpose of fashion trends?

Fashion trends keep the whole fashion industry running. If the new fashion trends cease to come, the fashion industry will come to a grinding halt

Who are the influencers in this industry?

Celebrities, models, electronic, print media and most recently the social media platforms serve as influencers.

What is the value of traditional dresses?

In many orthodox societies, traditional dresses are the preferred choice but the new trendy dresses are also making inroads

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