The lipstick on the lips is like dew drops on the flower petals as it enhances beauty and brightens the glow. The smile that peeps out of glossy lips has deep and pervasive effect.


Has the touch of lipstick effects of Midas touch? Is it a symbol of seduction? Is it an expression of wealth? Is it a means of self-projection or if it shows how much confident the wearer of lipstick appears.  If it is not so then why it has been used by the women throughout the human history. The reddish lips arouse the imagination of the poets as someone says what to talk about the delicate lips as they give the look of the rose petals. It, at least, sheds light on one purpose of the use of the lipstick i.e. to look beautiful and attractive.

As the desire to appear beautiful and presentable is instinctive, the use of lipstick grew with the evolution of human history. In prehistoric era, the fruit juices and pulps were used to embellish the lips.  The women in Indus valley regularly used substances to glow their lips. It was Mesopotamia, where lipstick witnessed innovations as women in that area used to grind gems and precious stones and applied their dust on lips for glimmer and glow. In Egypt, it took a new height as the royal family, clergy and high class used lipstick usually prepared from some poisonous substance. In Europe, during the medieval period, it was not considered good religiously and was affiliated with the worship of the Satan and was totally banned by the Catholic church.  It was Queen Elizabeth-1 who introduced new styles and innovations of lipstick in Europe but later, it became commodity of prostitutes in many European areas. It was after the industrial revolution when visuality increased through photographs and motion pictures and use of lipstick and other cosmetics became necessity to appear trending and glamourous. With the increase in demand, many cosmetics and beauty industries had mushroom growth as these used variety of innovative ideas to produce huge number of lipsticks with different colours having cruelty-free ingredients as in modern time, it has become a necessary part of every woman’s beauty box. The introduction of swivel-up tube shape of lipstick gave a new boost to the use of this beauty product.

The utility of lipsticks lies in its colours which shows the aspects of personality as colours speak and give new m


The pink lipstick gives a cooler look and represents reserved nature as it is popular for casual and elegant look and displays confidence, spirit and passion. The colour also sends out the message of being fiery, prominent and social. 



The bright and shiny red colour lipstick represents passion and radiance in personality and it shows confidence and boldness of the wearer. For millenniums, the people have been linking the red colour with passion, love and sexuality. Among the cosmetics, red lipstick is considered a symbol of seduction and allure.  


The dim toned and faded colour lipsticks make a fine contrast with dark and olive skin as these have a tinge of smoke and shows something sensual and intriguing. A mysterious look offers a strange attraction and shows openness and welcoming aspects of the personality.


This burgundy-coloured lipstick with reddish, purplish tinge having a touch of earthiness represents magnanimity and benevolence in nature though shows some element of hardiness and obstinacy. This colour makes a well-contrived integration with evening dress and gives an exotic look.

    This blended shinny lipstick stands for a frosty nature giving an expression of emotionally cold, aloof and unfriendly nature. It also shows spirit to learn more with a lot of inquisitiveness, resourcefulness and gives an aura of being opinionated. It also gives the impression being self-motivated having the spirit to lead from the front.

The mauve lipstick having pinkish violet look shows deep feelings of romance, sentiments, youthfulness and nostalgia. The mauve colour is taken from French word ‘malva’ which refers mallow flower. The colour indicates special and unique qualities of the wearer.


Blood orange lipstick shows boldness and expressive nature representing uniqueness, prominence and distinguished. It also gives an expression of being acentric having a tinge of conventionalism.  


The colourless lipstick shows even more powerful message than the coloured ones. The colourlessness gives an expression of refined and polished personality. It also represents reserved nature and the wearer appears to feel reluctant in socializing and does not get easily mixed up in gatherings.


Blue lipstick represents mystery and reserved nature as the wearer keeps himself away from the people. The blue lipstick also shows high spirit and youthfulness. Their nature remains trendy and unique. 


The lipsticks are available in almost all the colours known in the world. The unconventional colours like purple, green and others also give different personality traits and the way the wearer think, act and behave. These colours show expressiveness, uniqueness and creativity. The silver or white lipsticks give modern and trendy expression.

The lipstick is an essential ingredient of the beauty box in the modern world as the lips without lipsticks give a prosaic, dull and drab look as the words vent out through the dry lips seem to be dry lacking impression while the lips with lipsticks appear to be appealing and welcoming. After the eyes, the second look goes to the lips and the smiley lips have deeper effects than the twisted and dull ones.


Is use of lipstick hazardous for health?

The use of lipstick for an extended time can prove to be hazardous for health.

What is significance of colours of lipstick?

The lipstick colours are significant as these reflect mood and also used by matching with the wearables.

Can non-toxin lipsticks be found?

Many brands claim to offer non-toxin lipsticks.

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