Glowing skin not only enhances your beauty, but also paves ways for you to be a confident person and often an influencer who stands out from the crowd.


The efforts to glow face skin are a direct bid to increase your charm. Everything we consume in our daily routine, vividly impacts our body’s functionality and system.

For instance, if a glass of fresh apple juice is a starter before your breakfast, you are more likely to enjoy the benefits of vitamins C and A, which work like a booster to glow your skin and protect it from sun damage.

In this article, we’re going to read how some specific foods can help us keep our face glowing and remove dark and irrelevant dots accordingly.

  • How Turmeric repairs skin

Our face skin starts losing its freshness when its cells are no longer working properly. To keep these cells alive, we need to protect them through some additional activities.

If you have noticed that your fresh glow doesn’t work, you may experience incredible results of turmeric usage. It protects skin cells and places barriers against redness and pimples.

It works magically to repair your face’s uneven tone, removing dark circles and helps  keep your face bright all the time.

  • Tips

Although, it is a recommended remedy, however, while using turmeric you must make sure that you’re using its pure quality because contaminated turmeric can harm your skin very badly.

Further, if you have an allergy problem, you may discuss it with your medical professional before you start using turmeric.

Turmeric contains antioxidant content and if you use it alone and in large amounts, it may leave some yellow stains on your face. However, the best and perfect way to use turmeric is you mix it with other natural ingredients, such as a few drops of pure honey or lemon etc.

  • Walnuts; an anti-ageing agent

This dry fruit is known for its amazing property powers. It genuinely contains high forms of omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which don’t require a long period to refine your face’s dead cells, rather as they are rich in their natural property, they take only a few days to make your face charming.

Walnuts are also often called a powerhouse of zinc which has a dramatic function to keep your skin secure from pollutants. A certain amount of regular usage of walnuts is a written guarantee for your face’s skin hydration, brightness and freshness.

The best time to take full benefits of their power is morning. Indeed, they will refine your face’s uneven tone, remove dark circles and prevent acne. They work as anti-ageing agents.  

  • Tips

While adding walnuts to your routine is a wonderful decision, however, during the journey, you must be a person who doesn’t like to exceed the usual limits.

You should not consume more than 5 walnuts in a day, excessive quantity can harm your skin and may cause some allergic, stomach pain or even kidney stone problems.

Further, it is also recommended by experts that you should avoid drinking water immediately after eating walnuts because if you do so, it will disturb stomach acids act and the actual benefits of its usage will be gone aside.

However, you can drink water after 10 minutes.

  • Green Tea

In our routine life, we often miss some important precautionary measures which protect our skin’s health. If you think your face’s skin has been damaged too, you need to satisfy yourself, because you’re reading a useful remedy here.

As far as how green tea works to revive our face’s skin health is concerned, it is worth noting that green tea contains a good amount of vitamins E and B-12 along with antioxidant EGCG. These are the things often called a magic booster to refine one’s dead skin of the face.

If you’re using green tea regularly, after a few days you will see some incredible results on your face. It directly repairs your face’s fine lines and makes you younger.

 You can not only drink it but also apply it to your skin, however, both methods have their distinctive results.

Green tea keeps your skin moisturized and brighter all the time. This natural ingredient has the power to repair sun-damages, dark and pimple spots.

If you want to apply a green tea mask to your face, you must massage it gently. If you do this in hustle, you may miss the results and the dead skin cells will remain in their actual positions. After applying the mask, you need to wait for at least 10 to 15 minutes and afterwards, rinse off it with warm water.

  • Tips

It is a common understanding that excessive use is always dangerous. Similarly, if you have increased the quantity of green tea usage, it may make you familiar with headaches or tremor problems. Sometimes, it may even lower your blood pressure or cause insomnia.

Hence, when you try to use this natural ingredient, first you must choose a pure form of green tea and secondly, its quantity of dose should be limited. Even you cannot enjoy the results in a single night.

  • Blueberries

This natural gift directly refines your blood circulation which eventually paves the path to remove the uneven tone of your skin. It is full of low-glycemic carbs, the best remedy to reduce acne problems because it contains vitamin A which keeps our face’s skin fresh and protects from sun rays.  

Due to a large amount of fibre, blueberries amazingly work to prevent skin discolouration.

If you are facing a collagen synthesis type of issue, it will perfectly support you because it possesses a high volume of anthocyanin.

  • Tips

If you include this amazing fruit in your morning routine, you’re more likely to enjoy its full pack of benefits. However, its usage with regular workouts has distinctive results. Grab a good amount of blueberries regularly and improve your cheeks magically.

  • Sunflowers

The regular usage of sunflowers prevents the harsh impact of sun rays; it eliminates impurities and keeps your skin brighter. It contains antibacterial and antifungal properties and works smoothly to stop affecting a few infections.

  • Tips

If your skin is hydrated all the time, there are fewer chances you face skin problems and the seeds of sunflower work accordingly. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, even you can apply these seeds to your face and wash it with warm water after 10 to 20 minutes.

Try out these mentioned natural foods and you will observe sooner or later you have gained some incredible results. They perfectly work to repair your face’s skin amazingly. The important thing is you have to use them regularly.


Are these natural products only beneficial to face skin?

It is not so because these natural products are beneficial to the whole body but their properties are skin-friendly.

Can these products prove to be harmful?

Natural products have no harm but excessive use may be detrimental.

Are these products region specific?

No, the people belong to all the regions can use without any fear.

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