A beauty bag void of concealer is like a gun without a bullet as concealer provides a smooth canvass for brush to paint a whole portrait of sustainable and lasting makeup. A concealer is the basic requirement of a foundation or base for makeup therefore, it requires prudent approach to choose right concealer to be used at the right place and artistry and mastery are prerequisite for its application. It is used to hide bumps, scars, acnes, sun burns, spots on the face skin, blackheads, fine lines, ageing, sagging, rashes, black circles round the eyes etc. In this context, concealer becomes highly important for a good makeup foundation and its base. Concealers are of different types such as liquid concealer, stick concealer, cream concealer, powder to cream concealer and color-correcting concealer.


Before perusing the type of concealers and their use, it is necessary to look at some wrong notions and ideas about their utility. It must be made clear that concealer and foundation of makeup are two different things as concealer is not a substitute to foundation or base for the makeup. Relying on only the concealer and leaving aside the foundation is not a good idea as concealer works only when the complexion is fair. It is more important that concealer should always be used cautiously. It is also important to note that concealer has, of course, a limited scope as it can conceal only minor blemishes and spots because more visible and prominent spots are difficult to coverup.


Liquid concealer is meant to give light coverup and naturally toned finish as it is well-suited to all types of skin. Liquid concealer has the property of giving seamless blending with the skin having no chance of appearing heavy or caky. This concealer has higher adaptability because it has water and provides most hydration. It gives medium to full coverage.


 For application of the liquid concealer, it is necessary to take small amount, pat it on the blemishes, dab it gently and blend the liquid on the remaining part of the face with the applicator or a sponge. As a last touch, it should be made to set with transparent powder. The process should be applied twice to have flawless contour and better results.



The stick or pencil concealer is perfect in detailed application as it easily covers the targeted area with precision. This is easy and on-the-go concealer as it gives solid and perfect result. The makeup enthusiasts give preference to this concealer because it provides seamless and perfect coverage with an ultra-smooth finishing necessary to hide fine lines and scars and also smoothens the skin.


The application of the pencil or stick concealer is easy particularly on the under-eye areas as its application should be initiated with lining on blemishes, spots, lids and dark under-eye spots. After its application, it should be blended by rubbing with the finger. 



Cream concealer is the best of all the concealers because it gives more lasting, substantial and perfect result and also ensures matte finish. It is particularly suitable to oily and blemish-vulnerable skin. It provides longer results as it continues to put in place without exposure of the imperfections. It refreshens the weary looking eyes, conceals puffiness and other imperfections on the face. 


Before using the cream concealer, it should be warmed by moving finger in the pan and afterwards, it should be applied with a brush or with tips of the fingers on the spots and blemishes. The body heat warms up the natural oil in the cream concealer and thus its results become incredible and highly effective. This liquified concealer becomes easy to integrate into the skin and gives seamless results.



This unique, innovative and shake-and-bake concealer is perfect with its quick results and by choosing and applying it, the user becomes hassle-free as it does not require much waiting of setting and baking. It begins as a cream and changes into powder and has the property of concealing under-eye circles and other blemishes effectively. It is ideal for oily and acne-prone types of skin.


Its application is easy as it is required to be applied evenly on the area under the eyes and on the other imperfections with tip of the ring finger. After application, it should be left as it is for a few seconds for better result and matte finish.


Color-correcting concealer has a wide-range of colors meant to neutralize discoloration and undertones. The general complexion issues are addressed with the color correcting concealer as it offers innovative and customized solutions with different hues such as peach, green, lavender and many others.


Prior to the application of the color-correcting concealer, the choice of the suitable color is necessary to cover the discoloration and other flaws on the face skin. The color-correcting concealer once chosen should be applied by patting it on the targeted area with a small concealer brush or hands then foundation should be applied to cover the color of the color-correcting concealer.


Concealing imperfections on the face by means of concealer is like putting the issue under the carpet. The process gives only a short-term and transitional solution as the issue reappears when the masking substances are removed rather it is more accentuated or it appears to be. It is preferrable to go after permanent solution of the skin-related issues. There should by a proper treatment with the consultations of the experts in the field. The simplest way to address the skin-related issues is home and natural remedies which offer lasting, affordable, easy and perfect solution with no adverse or damaging side effects.   


Which concealer is suitable to cover the skin flaws?

The concealers are of different types and should be used keeping in view the skin type.

Is use of concealer Do It yourself (DIY)?

DIY is no issue as it does not require much expertise but should be consulted with an expert before using a concealer.

Are there home remedies for skin-related issues?

There exists many home remedies for skin issues but should be used only with the guidelines of an expert. 

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