Pimples is a common skin problem and can be handled at home with certain precautions, remedies and by developing healthy lifestyle and opting for simple diet. Usually, the teenagers soon after getting puberty fall prey to the pimples due to many reasons but mostly, the hormonal disorder becomes the main cause of the pimples’ growth. These little bumps on the face not only mars appearance but also causes psychological issues particularly among the young ones who are already grappling with the drastic changes in their life pattern after stepping ahead of childhood as they feel confidence problems while moving in the society. However, all these issues relating to pimples can be handled with simple home remedies whether these issues are affecting teenagers or adults and males or females.


Usually, pimples and acne are confused with each other but these have basic differences. Acne is also called vulgaris which is a long-term skin disorder that is caused by dead skin cells and oil from clogged hair follicles. The acne gives rise to blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, oily skin and scars. The pimples are small growth that occurs on the skin surface and can cause inflammation and discoloration. The pimples usually appear on the face, chest, shoulders, neck on front side and surrounding areas.


HORMONAL CHANGES: The teenagers who are going through the phase of adolescence development or puberty face the pimples growth as their hormonal level is experiencing many shifts and changes. 

DEAD SKIN CELLS: The skin as a natural process continues to produce new cells after shedding the older or dead cells. Often some dead cells remain on the skin which clog the pores after getting mixed with oil. The clogged pores cause outbreak of lesions which are called pimples or zits.

SEBUM: Oily material produced by the sebaceous gland called sebum which helps keep the skin and hair hydrated and shiny but its increased secretion causes pimples, whiteheads and other such issues.

OTHER FACTORS: There are many other factors which cause appearance of pimples such as stress, humidity, too much scrubbing, squeezing and touching the blemishes, pollution, bacteria, menstruation, hair, hygiene, pollution, tight clothing, abnormal sexual activity and others.


It is a decided factor that prevention is better than cure but prevention involves self-restraint and self-prohibition which requires a higher level of stoicism. However, certain preventions can help in controlling and curing the pimples.


It is important to keep the skin particularly the face neat and clean rather it should be washed four to five times daily so that the dead cells of the skin can be removed and the skin remain moisturized and hydrated.

HANDS OFF THE BLEMISHES: Whenever a blemish, spot, bump or any other such growth appears on the face or any other part of the body, it should not be touched, squeezed or oozed out in any way as it can cause spots, scars and more pimples to appear.

SPARE MAKEUP: Too much makeup can cause the pimples because the components of makeup clog the spores, create dryness and harsh chemicals in the makeup products can also prove to be detrimental to skin on the face.

AVOID SUN EXPOSURE: The ultraviolet rays of the sun can cause many skin disorders and pimples is one of them. The sun exposure can create sun burns, dark spots, inflammation and discoloration. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the sun exposure and some sun screen and proper clothing should be used to avoid such issues.

DIET: Suitable daily diet plays an important role in preventing the pimples growth and its cure as junk food, oily and fat saturated food items, deep fried and many of the bakery items, sugary foods and beverages, too much chocolates, too much coffee, tea and other such items should be avoided and simple food such as vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs and salad should be made part of eating routine.

EXERCISE: Daily exercise, walk, running, jogging, playing outdoor games, gym or any other such exercise involving exertion should be an essential part of life as such activities keep the body healthy and many problems do not occur at all. 

AVOID NEGATIVE THINKING: It is thinking that makes and breaks many important factors in life so negative thinking should be avoided because it is necessary cause of stress and tension which can trigger many issues and pimples is one of them. Positivity in life brings joy, satisfaction, contentment and real pleasure that produce healthy blood that keeps the body and soul healthy.

OTHER PREVENTIONS: Some other preventions and precautions can be adopted to avoid pimples growth as careful approach should be adopted about humidity, pollution, stress, tension and other such issues.   


There are many home remedies to avoid the growth of pimples and their treatment and some of them are as under;


With regard to health, water has no match as it provides cure and treatment of many health-related issues particularly many skin disorders. It is much beneficial in preventing and curing the pimples because it keeps the skin moisturized and hydrated. Therefore, it is essential to consume adequate quantity of water as a daily routine rather the day should be started with a glass of warm water because it has miraculous effects on the health.

It is also advisable to wash the hands and face four to five times a day because it helps remove dry skin cells, pollution, sweat and many other impurities which cause appearance of pimples.

Water can also be useful if its steam is produced by heating it in a bowl and putting the face to the steam. The steam helps in removing all the impurities on the face and opening the clogged pores which is a major cause of pimples.



The combination of olive oil and honey has wonderous effects on skin and has been in use of the people for skin care and for solving many skin issues for centuries. Olive oil is rich in vitamins and is highly beneficial to keep the skin moisturized as it helps open the pores and honey’s benefits on skin cannot be counted on fingers. The mixture of olive oil and honey is the best treatment for the skin issues and pimples.

    Aspirin is a pain-relieving medicine and is widely used in the world. It is usually a part of the home medicine box. However, the research does not back the idea of its use as treatment of the pimples. Aspirin helps in reducing irritation and inflammation caused by the pimples because it contains acetylsalicylic acid.

Despite, all its properties, aspirin should not be used for pimple treatment for a longer time because its longer use can cause burn however, it can provide transitional relief.


Turmeric powder has been in use as a home remedy for many diseases for centuries because it has wonderful healing properties. It has strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It is highly beneficial for reducing inflammation, killing bacteria and healing pimples. Its antioxidants improve overall health and appearance of skin. It is advisable to make a paste of turmeric powder by mixing it in water or with honey and a few drops of lemon juice and apply it on the pimples. After a few days of its uses, pimples begin to disappear leaving no scar behind.


Home remedies rather natural remedies are the best solution to skin related issues particularly to pimples, acne and other such issues. These remedies have no specific side effects as no counterproductive aspects have ever been reported. Although there is no doubt of these products’ beneficial properties, these have no negative aspects even if these give no positive results. Therefore, it is always preferable to make choice for home and natural remedies for skin diseases.

FAQs (Frequent Asked Questions)

How often should home remedies be used for pimples?

Home remedies can be used as long as the problem persists.

Can home remedies be used after the pimples disappear?

No harm in using home remedies on clear skin except aspirin

Can mix of home remedies be used for pimples?

The mix of home remedies can be used for pimples but is preferable to use one remedy at a time.

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