Water is the base of life on the earth and has no parallel. It is also the basic ingredient of beauty in the world. The human body appears strong, healthy, glowing, agile, and attractive because of water and skin being the first expression of all beings depend wholly on water as the more water is consumed, the better and more healthy skin will be.


Water, one of the greatest blessings, has no substitute and so are its effects and benefits. Whatever activities and growth one can find around, are due to the water. Life on the earth depends on the water and it works wonders on human health in general and on the skin in particular. It is a decided fact that a healthy body has healthy skin as an ailed person can have only a sagging and discolored skin. Water proves highly beneficial inwardly and outwardly as drinking enough water has the wonderous effects on the skin and is equally advantageous when it is used through bathing, washing, rinsing and is highly effective if it is used for washing mouth, hands and feet five times a day. Skin is the biggest organ of the human body and like other parts of the body it is largely made up of water therefore, water and skincare are closely linked to each other.

The benefits of the water for skin are many and some are as under;


Enough water keeps the body hydrant and gives elasticity to the skin. This moisturizing of the skin proves highly beneficial as it brings softness having no dryness. The elasticity of the skin prevents the wrinkles and thin lines on the skin. The more the water is consumed, the more glowing and radiant the skin will be.



Extreme weight loss and fat shedding cause sagging of the skin and the bulging and hanging skin gives a senile look and aging appearance. Some people use the technic of water fasting for tightening of the skin. Though it works for the time being but the skin losses its glow and healthy look. Drinking enough water daily on regular basis solves the sagging and bulging skin problem. It restores the natural glow of the skin in a few days.


PH balance is necessary for the human body because it helps the human organs function properly as it helps body perform different tasks like oxygenating the blood and digesting. The average PH of the body remains within the range of 7.4 which has slight alkaline properties ty. The problematic skins need to maintain a PH balance and enough water consumption helps bring proper PH balance which is essential to keep healthy, blemish-free, and radiant skin.

  • The problematic skins

Enough water helps the body fight different ailments of the skin like psoriasis, eczema, and others. Drinking as little as two cups of water directs blood flow to the skin which helps in keeping healthy skin with better complexion and glowing tone.


Sometimes parts of the skin swell due to a variety of reasons but mostly it happens when the body is dehydrated and the skin is trying to protect the body from moisture loss. The puffiness and swelling of the skin can be avoided by drinking enough water as it helps bring smooth and healthy skin.



Skin ailments such as irritation, sunburn, and inflammatory problems can be resolved promptly by drinking enough water on a daily basis. The sugary juices should be avoided as these may cause many other issues. More exposure to the sun or heat requires more water to keep the skin’s appearance healthy and glowing.



Acne problems is common among the grownups and the adults as it is believed that the 45-55 percent of the grownups between 20 and 40 years of age has the acne issues. This skin issue though common and irritating but can be addressed by drinking adequate amount of water in a routine manner. Water flushes out the toxins from the skin and helps in shrinking the pores and it becomes least likelihood for the skin to develop clogs and spots or zits.



The water if consumed intelligently and routinely can help in keeping the aging process slow because it minimizes the appearance of wrinkles and soft lines on the skin. The water keeps the skin tight, strong and healthy.



The plumpness of skin is significant for youthfulness and healthy appearance as the skin begins to lose collagen and elastin with the aging process. The collagen and elastin are necessary to keep the skin structure strong and intact. Enough water consumption gives the skin a healthy and plump look.


The daily outside activities and sweating can clog and enlarge the pores of the skin. The adequate water consumption keeps the balance of the oil and water on the surface of the skin and helps in reducing the size of the pores having less acne breakout and spots and blemishes on the skin.


The loss of water and dehydration cause dryness of the skin and it may result in creating cracks, flakes and itchiness. Drinking enough water daily keeps the skin hydrated and thus the chances of cracks and itchiness get reduced.


Enough water is instrumental in tightening the skin around jawline, stomach, arms, face, neck and legs as water helps in improving skin elasticity and it gives enough strength to the skin to bounce back from sagging

Water consumption in an intelligent and judicious manner is a natural way to solve many of the issues of the human body and in particular of the skin. Being a natural product, water has natural and positive effects on the skin. The treatment method is based on the theory of treating like with like as both skin and water are natural products and therefore, healthy skin mostly depends on consuming adequate amount of water. In reality whatever other substances may be used to solve skin issues, they cannot give satisfactory results as water is the ultimate solution to all the skin-related issues.

FAQs (Frequent Asked Questions)

How much is advisable to drink daily?

The medical men have always advised in this regard and six to eight litres daily consumption of water is advisable.

What is the best way to consume water?

The best way to consume water is sip by sip drinking after short intervals.

Can water consumption prove to be detrimental?

Water if consumed in extraordinary excess can be detrimental.

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