Makeup is an essential human endeavour to appear beautiful and presentable as social acceptance is largely associated with appearance and a shabby look is not welcomed anywhere rather it causes social abhorrence and rejection making advancement in social setup almost impossible.


The creator is beautiful and likes the objects which look beautiful. In this way, beauty and presentation of beauty become an integral part of the scheme of the universe which has been embellished and decorated with the objects of natural beauty. Man being the most beautiful object of nature has been created in the best of proportion. So, looking presentable and beautiful is in the fitting of the whole scheme. It is human nature, and desire rather it is instinctive. The embellishment can be observed in many animals and birds. The fall of old leaves in autumn and the growth of new ones in spring show that nature itself does the decorative work with a purpose.

The makeup and desire to appear decorative seem to have born with the birth of man in the universe. The makeup is largely considered as the work of women only but it is also linked with men because it is but natural to appear agreeable among others. Men use different ways for personal appearance. The style of hair, moustache and beard makes one look agreeable and decorative. The men, however, give more stress on the dressing, shoes, ties, watches and in modern time mobile phones, tabs etc, the choice of colour of dresses and the preference to aromatic substances because these things make them unique and different. However, the makeup and its accessories are mainly linked to the women.


It is a million-dollar question and may boggle the minds of many because there are a large number of people who think that makeup is in excess to what has been created by the creator. They think that it is poking in the work of the creator. However, it is natural for women to look attractive and gorgeous. They have desire to be praised and appreciable. An appreciative look makes them fill with uncanny delight and satisfaction. The more a woman appears majestic, the more prominent she looks and standing out in this way is the desire which sprouts from her inner core.


The peer pressure is significant as it prompts the women to do what others are doing while moving in the society. This social pressure is evident in all walks of life – in offices, social gatherings, in markets, shopping malls, bazars, clubs, among relatives, in universities, colleges and even in schools. It depends in which circle women are moving. The factor of appearing unique, fashionable, trending and distinguished rule the roost and the women go after the makeup tools, styles, trends, cosmetic items and other such things considering them essential part of their personality.



The psychological effects of the makeup are undeniable. In the morning, donning up in beautiful dress and with a touch of well-articulated makeup determine the day a woman spends as it gives her confidence. She feels herself better placed among others. A majestic appearance and a good look have welcoming effects everywhere. It influences those who come in the contact in the office, in the bazar, on the way or wherever she goes and whomever she meets. Self-projection and self-expression are associated with cultural background, emotions and experiences. The makeup is used to link the inner feelings with the outward appearance. So, a good look with a fine makeup is a very strong tool of self-projection.



  1. LIPSTICK: Using the lipstick especially with the dark colour has the contrasting effects on the face but those with dark complexion should use red lipstick to have deeper and bold look. The dim colours in the lipstick cannot create contrasting effects and may give a dull and drab look. The dark colours in lipsticks brighten the face with a deeper glow in appearance.
  2. FOUNDATION: A smooth skin gives a healthy look and foundation of the makeup is necessary because naturally having smoother skin is difficult. The symmetrical appearance adds attraction to the face of the women.
  3. EYE MAKEUP: The use of mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow makes the eyes prominent and distinguished as the first encounter with others come with the eye contacts. The eye makeup is used to enlarge the original size of the eyes. The colour contrast around the eyes gives them a brightening glow and face appears to be healthier and younger.
  4. CONTOUR: The bronzing effects on the face helps create a symmetrical look as the evenly toned face appears healthy. The contour also brightens the face with different aspects and its overall impact adds to the beauty of the face.
  5. CONCEALER: To ensure smoothy effects and presentable impact, concealer with foundation is necessary. Both combine to give face a healthy look as these hide the eye bags, disclouration and blemishes.

Apart from the personal use of the makeup products, these have wide range of economic, financial and industrial aspects as a complete supply chain works to make these products available in the market. The makeup products have a vibrant and robust industrial base, a dynamic marketing strategy and a worldwide network of the outlets. Millions and millions of people with their skills, innovations and ideas are involved in the production of the makeup lines. So, it can be said that huge input of millions and millions of people are invested to give a pleasant smile, a healthy look and bright glow.


Are makeup products safe for human skin?

Makeup products are generally considered safe and some makeup line producers claim to have cruelty-free ingredients in the products however excessive use can be harmful.

Is makeup necessary?

Makeup though is not essential but it becomes a necessity because of peer pressure and FOMO (fear of missing out).

What does colour reflect?

Makeup products are generally considered safe and some makeup line producers claim to have cruelty-free ingredients in the products however excessive use can be harmful.

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