A wart on face appears as ugly as dark spot on the white sheet does. It is a common skin issue which worries many people and women are more particular about it. Normally, it disappears on its own in weeks, months and even years but may persist for longer periods. Its consistent stay on the face brings some distortion to the beauty conscious people. However, its removal is not a big issue as it can be treated at home with some simple natural products. The wart growth is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), a type of viral infection, which has over 100 subtypes but a few can cause warts on certain parts of the body.


Madar (Calotropis gigantea) is a perennial bush which grows almost everywhere in the wild. It is native to India, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Nepal. Its tender light green stems and wide leaves when broken give white milk-like liquid that is bitter in taste and slightly poisonous. The Madar milk of the herb has astringent action which is useful in the treatment of many skin diseases including warts. The Madar milk provides quick fix to the warts. It can be used as follows;

  1. Take two or three drops of the Madar milk for one wart
  2. Pour the sticky milk on the wart
  3. Pour two pinches of Eno on the milk
  4. It begins to fume. Let it stay on the wart for two minutes
  5. Wipe out the Madar milk with cotton swab by rinsing well
  6. Wart will disappear in just two minutes

The Madar milk should be kept away from the eyes as it may cause slight irritation. It is only meant to use on top and should not be consumed in raw form.



Banana is a wonderful fruit in so far as its health benefits are concerned as eating bananas improves digestive systems, strengthens immune system and it gives many minerals like potassium, magnesium, manganese, fiber, vitamins C and many others. The sticky layer inside its peel has many benefits for the skin as it helps remove acne, dark spots and warts because it contains enzymes and mild salicylic acid that is part of all the wart treatments. The salicylic acid breaks down the wart tissues and thus helps in disappearing them in a few days. The banana peels can be used as under;

  1. Take a piece of banana peel in double the size of the wart
  2. Tap it on the wart many times till it glues to the skin
  3. Leave it for overnight
  4. Wash the area with warm water in the morning
  5. Repeat the exercise for a few days till the removal of the wart


  1. Take small pieces of the banana peel
  2. Pat the wart with it for 5-10 minutes
  3. Leave it for the overnight
  4. Wash the area with warm water in the morning
  5. Continue the exercise for a few days till the wart disappears


The sour and tangy limonene found in the rind of the orange and kinnow is the best home remedy of many skin-related issues including oily skin, blackheads, whiteheads, white spots, sagging, aging, thin lines, pimples, acne and warts. The limonene has essential oils, antioxidants and antiseptic properties which helps in removing warts. The orange peel also contains salicylic acid that is a viable solution to warts. Orange or kinnow peel can be used as under;

  1. Take a large piece of the orange or kinnow peel
  2. Let the limonene flow out from the peel by folding and squeezing it
  3. Flow of the limonene should be pointed to the wart
  4. Rub the wart with the same orange or kinnow peel for 2-3 minutes
  5. Let the secretion stay on the wart for 5-10 minutes
  6. Then wash the affected area with normal water
  7. The exercise should be repeated for a few days
  8. The warts will start disappearing

Limonene has no adverse effects on the skin as it is beneficial by all the means. However, it can cause some irritation to the eyes. If limonene gets into the eyes, it removes all the bad elements and brightens them. The over-conscious people should keep it away from the eyes.



Garlic is an essential ingredient of food in many countries because of its immense health benefits. It contains antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic and antiviral properties that make it an excellent home remedy to treat many diseases and especially skin issues like acne, pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, spots and above all warts. For wart removal, it can be used as;

  1. Take a clove of garlic
  2. Crush it into a paste
  3. Apply it on the wart
  4. Put a bandage on it to keep it applied
  5. Let it say on the wart for 10-15 minutes
  6. Then wash it away with normal water
  7. Repeat the exercise for a few days
  8. The wart will disappear soon


  1. Garlic extract can also be used to remove warts
  2. Take three or four cloves of garlic
  3. Put then in three to four tablespoons of olive or mustard oil
  4. Heat them until garlic cloves turn black
  5. Strain the oil well
  6. Apply the extract on the wart
  7. It can be left as it overnight
  8. Wash the affected area with warm water in the morning
  9. Repeat application daily for two to three weeks

Garlic has no adverse effects on the skin however, its smell may irritate some. It is better to make extract of the garlic to avoid its pungent smell. The garlic paste or extract should be kept away from eyes to avoid mild irritation.


The home remedies for many skin issues are better because their utility is known by experience of the centuries as these natural products have been in use of the people from generation to generation and wisdom behind their use has been continuously transferred from parents to the next generation. Moreover, almost all the natural products have no adverse effects on the human skin and even overall human health. This factor keeps the people absolutely on the safe side because in extreme possibility, if these natural products do not prove to be beneficial at least they would not harm in any way.

FAQs (Frequent Asked Questions)

Can warts be left untreated?

Warts have no health issues and can be left untreated

How much time will warts take to get away naturally?

Some warts may go away within weeks, months or years but many are so stubborn and sticky that these do not disappear even in years.

Are there any natural products to eat for removing warts?

Certainly, there are some natural products which can be eaten to remove warts.  

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