Fashion and self-expression are instinctive because everyone wants to look presentable. Moreover, particular wearables give identity which in most cases cannot be set aside. However, in most cases it is more than a necessity and assumes secondary position. Despite that it is a trend and desire that satiates one’s ego.

Appearance speaks louder than words as it is the first introduction to others and the good appearance gives deeper impression. Fashion relates to appearance and smartly fashioned person with good expression and confident body language is always welcomed everywhere. It is the fashionable appearance with which man stands out among others and attains uniqueness, newness and different place in his surroundings. Moden and smartly turned-out person donning in good looking clothes is someone to be emulated and he becomes a trend setter.


Among other things, fashion largely relates to clothing and thus becomes an identity. Although social pressure and trends in vogue are the elements which lead to adaptability to the clothing choice. At the most, it is followed with the mass mindedness and taken as others are taking. Moreover, choice of wearing is limited to territorial consideration. If in a country, a large group of people wears a particular type of dress, the others would go in the line. This social pressure plays a major role in choice of dress and mostly they do not ready to set it aside when they travel to other countries and they feel themselves unique and different with their different type of clothing as this is matter of identity and self-expression.


The culture and traditions form a kind of self-expression as far as fashion is concerned. Though the Europeans follow almost the same trends in clothing with slight differences due to the change of boundaries, in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Far East, South America, North America, the variety of clothing and appearance witness drastic changes as their clothes which represent their culture and civilization, give unique identity to them. An African tribesman will not ready to give up his traditional dress at any cost but that tribe person will adapt to American dress when he moves to that country and of course it is done due to social pressure and trends going on around. As someone says there are hints about who you are in what you wear.


The others judge a person as what he has done up because a fashionable, pricey, well-cut and well-sewn dress leaves a good impression upon others and his personality impresses them. It is the dress that determines personality and other considerations come later. The personality index is the dress and appearance. The other considerations also support appearance because a person having sense of beauty develops his personality with good wearables and overall turn out. A poorly managed person from inside cannot form a good personality.


It is human psychology to stand out and this very thinking is exploited by the fashion managers. They continue to prompt such people that their appearance will look different through such and such wearables and the customers with wishful thinking run to have these items to boast off themselves among others. This situation is enough to trigger a race as everyone tries to have these things to follow the trend and it is called fashion.


The desire to stand out is augmented by good position in society. One cannot spend more mere on appearance with meagre resources as it is true that a person who longs most suffers most because desires have no limit. It is like horses and the fools ride on them. Excess of fashioning may prove to be detrimental because excess of everything is bad. Whatever comes in excess of necessity is desire which finds its limit no less than the sky.


In the self-expression with regard to fashion, psychological aspects also play a key role as it reflects inner core to be superior to the others. In most cases, it gains the aspect of superiority complex. To remain better than others is like a phobia that never ends. The one who wants rousing reception whereover one goes and wherever among others shows a complex situation because at cannot happen in all the circumstances. In this bend of mind, one adopts different methods like extraordinary wearables, expensive accessories and other such things which may satisfy his ego that never comes to resting position unless one gets what one wants in his social pursuits.


The things turn all the way round when the personal traits seem to overshadow fashion and self-expression. A person having neat and clean habits makes his appearance as per his nature. He looks different from others though he is not following fashion trends and does not have enough to spend on costly dresses and other such things which make up the appearance. Still, he looks presentable and has wider acceptance among others. Beauty is that beauty looks that is the real self-expression because a flower needs no embellishment and even then, looks beautiful.


The fashion, trends in practice, self-expression, ego, standing out etc., are the things of filled stomach because all these things relate to those who have money to spend on these luxuries. An empty belly looks to feed himself and others associated with him and fashion trends have nothing to do with his life. He uses clothes just to cover his body because other things are mere necessities for him to move in the society. He strives to save himself and his family from harsh weather conditions. In a situation where it comes hard to make both ends meet, fashion, self-expression, standing out and other such things lose importance. 

Whether accept reality or not, the fashion is a magic that spells every mind and continues to influence throughout life as it never dies down irrespective of age. The more one gets the more one wants and the race goes on without a destination. Its vitality cannot be ignored as man has to live in a social setup that is particular about the appearance and there is a need to follow what is being practised by others. Man cannot lead his life in isolation as seclusion is impracticable in the bustling world. Therefore, man has to follow fashion and needs to have self-expression that is requirement rather than a luxury.

Though both are different but there is a thin line between them. Moreover, self-expression relates to fashion while ego is the name of behaviour and attitude.

Social pressure is a driving force behind adaptability of the fashion trends because one follows the others in the society.

Basic requirements are very limited in number and more than the basic needs becomes desires and fashion shows human wish to look attractive and trendy.

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