If burial is free, it does not mean that one gets ready to die.

The online or at spot discount sales on the garments, shoes and other items is a global phenomenon and these offers are projected as being beneficial for the consumers as these items are presented on lower prices. However, the question arises if these offers are in interest of the consumers in real term or the situation is all the way round and these are tactics of the manufacturers, retailers and others involved in this chain to boost their businesses through rapid sale and pocket the inflow of the money. Another factor comes into the minds of many if these sale offers serve any other purpose. Whatsoever the situation may be, these discount offers have popular feedback and are becoming more popular with each passing day.



Peer pressure plays a significant role in making the discount offers a success as more people feel attracted to the items put on display for sale on lower prices while walking in the footsteps of the others in the close circle. The peer pressure is a robust strategy employed by the marketers to create a particular mindset in which the people are made to feel deprived of this item or that item when someone else in close quarters is using that particular item. The societal pressure is a driving force behind the panic buying as people rush to the stores or make online access to buy the products on lower prices.


The difference of original price and the discounted price are displayed in a bold show to attract the more and more customers who psychologically feel that they would be able to save a certain amount by making purchases on lower prices. It is true if the products are purchased out of sheer necessity. In most cases, the situation becomes ludicrous when the customers fall prey to excess buying merely because of lower prices and instead of saving the money, they spend extra just to fill the kitty of the businesses. These are the market tactics which are played upon the customers without impunity.        



Fear of missing out (FOMO) is another factor which plays a significant role in making the online and at spot discount sales successful. This is also an aspect of social pressure as a customer finds others relishing on the products bought on the lower price and he or she feels himself at a loss for the product not being in the possession. In order to satisfy desire to become ahead of others and to make a presentation of being smarter than the others, the customers make a rush for panic buying on the discount sales. More than 90 percent customers in America think that discount offers are smarter moves. The FOMO factor also acts as a powerful influencer with regard to the discount offers.


The purpose of discount sales varies from product to product but the brands of garments and shoes offer lower prices to make room on the shelves for the new arrivals. The end season sales or mid-season sales are particular in this regard as the change of season requires the products which suit to the weather condition and of course, these attract demand of the customers.

The arrival of new designs also prompts the retailers to sell out the older ones which have completed their life cycle and ceased to attract the new customers. This marketing strategy is necessary to have strong footings in the market where tough competition always poses new challenges.

The discount sales are also necessary to increase the customers’ turn-out. It is a decided factor that the more the customers are, the better the business is. When there is no discount offer, the number of customers is not as much as has been seen during discount sales. The retailers want to keep the ball rolling by welcoming more customers during discount sales and it benefits them on ordinary days as the brands get popularity and likeness which is otherwise difficult to achieve.

The biggest problem with the retailers, manufacturers and others involved in business of the garments and shoes is the disposal of the leftovers. They offload much of their load through mass selling by making offers of the discount sales. Still, they face the onerous task of getting rid of the exces load. On yearly basis, the textile industry produces over 90 million ton of waste which is also one of the major causes of pollution. By 2030, the waste goes up to over 130 million ton and the situation will get alarming. Mostly, the leftovers are dumped in landfills as their disposal requires less resources than to put them again on display. A big chunk of the leftovers is transported to the less developed and poor countries in the name of charity but the real purpose is to get rid of this unnecessary burden.

Summing up the whole discussion is easy in the sense that the discount sales serve the purpose of the businesses not the customers but the whole practice is done with pseudo philosophy of giving benefit to the customers as it appears to be but at the core of it, motive is quite different. If the products are purchased on lower prices keeping in view the necessity, it makes sense but unnecessary buying falling prey to the marketing tactics appears no saner approach. It is possible in certain situation that quality may be compromised in case of discount sales.


Is it advisable to prefer discount sales?

It is good by all means but unnecessary buying should be avoided.

How can peer pressure and FOMO be managed?

These factors can be managed by keeping in view the resources, buying power and demand.

How can the negative fallouts of excess manufacturing of garments be avoided?

There should be certain check and balance at global level in this regard.

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