It is all about for the fairest of all. The contest among the girls focusses on the outward beauty, interview, makeup, evening gowns, swimsuits and sometimes talent.

The different segments provide an opportunity to display varied facades of personality and skills.

It is also about practicing to walk in heels on the runway, getting ready for the potential questions in the interview and refining the talent to perfection. 

The crown that comes on the head of winner makes her a beauty queen.

  • MYTH

It reminds the Homer’s odyssey when evil goddess, Eris was not invited to a wedding being held at the banquet hall in Olympus.

Eris conspired to create a fuss as she threw a golden apple inscribed with the words,” For the fairest.” All the goddesses wanted to get it but three goddesses Athena, Aphrodite and Hera remained in the contest.

Zeus was asked to make a decision but he refused and referred the matter to prince of Troy, Paris.

The three goddesses went to Paris and offered him bribe to be declared as the fairest.

Paris decided in favor of Aphrodite because she offered him the hand of Helen, the fairest woman and daughter of Zeus and Leda.


The Ancient Greeks following the myth made the relationship between beauty and competition complicated.

There existed no proof that the ancient Greeks organized contests for women,

They used to hold euandria or contest of physique at an Athens festival on yearly basis and that contest was entirely men-specific.

In Europe beauty pageants were held during medieval era as English May Day celebrations were held to select a queen.

In US, the first beauty contest when women were put to judges was held in 1850


The big four or Big-League pageants are the four international beauty contests for women which are Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss International and Miss Earth.

Apart from these beauty contests, hundreds of others are also organized evert year.

However, the big four are most prestigious and distinguished competitions which attract wide media coverage both print and electronic.


The element of primary focus makes the difference between Miss World and Miss Universe.

Beauty with a purpose is the main theme of Miss World as judgement is made not only on basis of physical appearance but other factors such as intelligence, talent, people and social services commitments are also taken into consideration. 

Miss Universe accentuates physical appearance, confidence and poise.

It also focuses on inclusivity of varied cultures and religious considerations.

Both contests are significant but Miss Universe has more liking in Latin America, US, Canada, Philippines, and Spanish-speaking Caribbean.

Miss World is popular in Europe, Asia, Africa and English-speaking Caribbean.


The beauty pageant is a world of unique diversity, charming colors and dazzling lights and is divided in three categories namely glitz, semi-glitz and natural.

Each category has unique experience and determines specific standards and performance.


Glitz pageant is characterized by the combination of beauty display and talent.

The finely accomplished costumes, the glistening makeup and hairstyle full of glamour and artistry are the features of the contestants.

The stunning appearance with captivating look is the focus of the participants to influence the judges as well as the audience.


Semi-glitz pageant finds the middle ground between the extravaganza of the glitz pageants and simple format of the natural pageants.

Though the contestants make a bold look with glamour such as well-contrived makeup and accomplished dressing, the overall appearance gives a modest look. The semi-glitz pageant requires a suitable and balanced approach towards attractiveness and performance.


Natural pageant prefers what has been bestowed by nature focusing more on beauty in its original shape.

Makeup has nothing to do with the natural pageant as makeup tools such as false eyelashes, flippers, hairpieces and spray tans are prohibited.

As far as clothing is concerned, natural pageant prefers comfort as it is suggested that the dress should be in match with the color of eyes.


The judges in the beauty pageants evaluate the contestants on the basis of physical appearance, poise and confidence, personality and talent.

They are also judged on the interview skills, fitness and health, philanthropic role and overall impression.

There may be some variations as every beauty pageant has its own priorities, criteria and judgement process.

Many pageants are inclined to move away from the conventional methods to make judgements.

They prefer inclusive and diverse approach while distancing themselves away from sole criteria of physical appearance.

They want to highlight characteristics like intelligence, talent and social influence.


Beauty pageants open a new world beyond the elements of glamour and glitz as they offer huge opportunities for personal wellbeing and career building.

These help develop confidence, public speaking and communication skills, scholarships and career opportunities for the participants.

The contestants develop social contacts which help them augment their career.

The women empowerment is another aspect of the beauty pageants as these provide the participants with opportunities for personal growth and skill development.

In nutshell, the beauty pageants are the significant events which offer opportunities for the contestants, directors, organizers, sponsors, personality groomers, judges and many others. Thousands of people put in the best of their efforts and skills to carry the crown to the head of beauty queen and it has been happening for years at many tiers and levels. However, some people have reservations that the contests among girls are heavily overwhelmed by men. They are also wary of the comments the judges or other people pass on to the contestants as they feel psychological shocks and mental torture that cause damage to their personality.  


Who can take part in the beauty pageants?

Every girl having certain characteristics can participate in the beauty pageants.

Who will pay the expenses for taking part in the beauty contests?

The participants themselves are responsible for managing the expenses such as entry fee, costumes, gowns, slash, living, food and others.

What are financial benefits for the contestants of the beauty pageants?

Apparently, the contestants get no financial benefits by taking part in beauty pageants.

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