Diet and fitness are so closely intertwined that one is meaningless without the other. A balanced diet with careful selection of time and quantity is a guarantee to bodily health, physical fitness and mental satisfaction while physical exertion and regular exercise maintains overall health and fitness as it releases tension and relieves stress level. If these aspects are coupled with some yoga postures, these work wonder as yoga postures, breathing exercise and meditation reduce tension, help develop spirituality and bring psychological satisfaction. So, these three aspects cover all the dimensions of personality such as physical, mental, psychological and spiritual and thus ensure a perfect, balanced and healthy lifestyle.


A balanced diet having all the necessary food groups ensures a healthy life as it develops immune system, generates healthy blood, maintains high spirit, gives high energy level, improves concentration levels, lessens aches and pains, helps improve mood and promotes inclination to work in a better way. A balanced diet supplies all the essential nutrients necessary to have maximum health and over all wellbeing. It has long been determined that a good mix of foods is always healthy and a good balanced diet with items from all major food groups in the right proportion ensure bodily health and physical fitness.



It is the main energy source of body and is one of the three micronutrients which are the source of energy for the human body. It is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms at its chemical level as carbohydrates are glucose, starch, lactose etc. The whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes.


It comprises large biomolecules and macromolecules having one or more long chains of amino acid and residues. The dairy products, beans, and legumes are the major source of proteins. Protein is also found in lentils, beans and chickpeas, tofu, chicken, seeds and seed butters, seafood etc. Protein is essential for building and repairing tissues and it should be 10-35 percent of the total calorie intake.

  • FATS

Fats, fatty acids or lipids are made up of three molecules combined together and this structure is called triglyceride. Fats required by body are made by bodies but some cannot. A balanced diet contains healthy fats which can be found in nuts, seeds, avocados and ghee.


Body needs multiple of minerals and vitamins for functioning properly. Sources of vitamins are plant and animal food products and dietary supplements. Some vitamins are made in the human body from the food products.



An adequate quantity of water consumption on daily basis works wonders on human body as it lubricates the joints, forms saliva and mucus, boosts skin health and beauty, cushions the brain, spinal cord and other sensitive tissues, regulates body temperature and flushes body waste. It helps maintain blood pressure. The outward use of water helps in keeping the skin smooth, soft and moisturized.

  • TIME

Eating habits play an important role in maintaining the health and taking meals on a proper time after certain intervals is necessary. If it has been determined that breakfast should be taken on a fixed time, it should be taken at all costs at that time with certain exceptions and same schedule should be kept in other meals of the day. This meal cycle maintains digestion and excretion system and these are the basic of an ideal health.  

It is better to skip the meal than to take it on odd hours and taking meal in haste should be avoided at any cost.

Moreover, morning routine governs the whole day’s activities. It is better to start a day with a glass of warm water that is highly beneficial to activate the eternal system.


Quantity of meal is another important factor that governs the healthy condition. It is advisable that the stomach should be divided in three parts – one part for food, other for water and third one for air. In this context, stop eating while still a certain amount of hunger is there. This restrictive habit does not burden the stomach as it works properly and digests the food in a very smooth and easy way. The stomach should not be overburdened with starchy, fatty and heavy food as it overloads the stomach and its performance gets affected so it also affects the health.


For a perfect and balanced diet, salty, saturated fat, fatty meat, dairy products, packaged juices as fresh juices should be a good choice, white bread, white rice, soft drinks, potato chips or other deep-fried items, excessive quantity of chocolates, large amount of ice cream and other oily products should be avoided at the maximum level and this practice should continue throughout life.


Yoga and fitness go hand and hand as yoga is not merely the name of the postures rather it goes beyond mere body posturing because it is a life style and way of living, a philosophy and an approach. It is all about positivity, restrictions and ultimate level of purity not of body but of soul and mind. It emphasizes the non-violence approach, positive thinking for self and others and keeping body, mind and soul pure, unalloyed and positive. It is a practice to bring satisfaction, contentment and positivity through meditation and exploring the hidden corners of mind and soul.

There are some yoga postures which are highly beneficial for keeping the fitness level high and can be performed easily at home without much effort and should be made part of routine life. Usually, yoga postures are performed in the morning in open when air is pure with plenty of oxygen but these can be done at home.


This is generally a basic pose as it is all about merely standing with toes barely touching to each other and heels slightly apart. In this posture, it is required to press the four corners of the feet downward and feel the stress of the push on legs. It is to take a deep breath and roll the shoulders up and back releasing them down as the shoulder blades should come on a resting position and neck appears to be projecting up, high and straight. This posture is highly beneficial for building confidence and easing anxiety.


While doing this posture, first of all, deep breath should be taken and on inhale, arms should be lifted to the sides and over the head and on exhale, arms should be released on front or on the sides like a swan dive as the torso is folded on the legs.

With the relaxing in the pose, legs should be stretched as far as good feelings continue to come and then hands should be put on the shins, on the feet or one the floor. This posture lengthens the spine, hamstrings and teaches how to keep the body in balance as it relaxes muscles, ensures flexibility and gives relief in stress.


Plank pose works on all the muscles of the front body as in this pose, hands are put flat on the floor, knees are bent as much as these can be bent and one leg is stepped back at a time until body comes in a plank position and hands are pressed downward and legs are kept parallel and engaged and the bellybutton is to be pulled towards the spine. At this point, some deep breaths should be taken while working on the core and arms. This pose improves body strength, abdominal strength, spinal stability, builds forearms, wrists, hands strength, bone strength, improves mental focus and boosts confidence.


This pose is an advance form of plank pose from where hands are pushed and the hips are lifted up and back while inhaling. One thing should be kept in mind that in this pose, shoulders should be kept engaged but not in a working position while spine should be kept in a neutral position. In this pose, legs should be kept straight and heels working towards the floor. First time in this pose, pedal out feet a little to warm up leg muscles. The downward-facing pose elongates the spine, stretches back leg muscles and helps in digestion. It relieves stress, helps with headache and calms down nervous system.


It is advance form of downward-facing dog pose while in this pose, deep breath is taken and, on the exhale, knees are released on the floor and hips are pulled back to the heels and the forehead is rested on the floor. Arms can be stretched in front or pulled them next to body and hands resting palms should be up near the feet. This pose is nurturing as it relaxes spine, shoulders, neck and massages internal organs.

As a bottom line, fitness is a relative term and varies from person to person. Some people are satisfied with their restive lifestyle and follow Epicurean motto,” Eat, drink and be merry, tomorrow you will die.” However, this lifestyle gives only transitional satisfaction as quality of life is fully compromised. Many others want to live active and productive life therefore, they take care of their fitness. With proper diet, a perfect daily routine and proper exercise and walk are the necessary components of a healthy and positive lifestyle.    

FAQs  (Frequent Asked Questions)

How can so many restrictions be followed in life?

Apparently, it seems difficult to follow so many restrictions but it is all about habit and a lifestyle once adapted it continues throughout the life.

How much strict a person should be about some food items which are all around?

It is true, a complete ban is difficult because many things come across daily such as beverages and bakery items but these items could be resorted occasionally.

Does yoga help in fighting diseases?

Yes, because it strengthens immune system and provides strength to body however, in this situation, proper guidance is necceary.



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