The creator of universe in the ultimate beauty and He has created everything in very beautiful manner.

The naturalists believe that cosmetics should not be used because nature has created everything in a perfect way but human instinct prompts him to adorn himself to look attractive

The inner beauty depends upon positivity of thoughts and beliefs which reflect in actions and deeds.

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The creator is beautiful and likes beauty but it is not restricted to outward beauty but the inward one holds more significance for the creator because in real sense beautiful is one who is beautiful at heart but outward beauty cannot be ignored altogether.

Beauty is a product of beauty who is all creator, all omnipotent, all omnipresent and the ultimate beauty. The beauty products we find all around is the work of that being who needs no makeup and other means to embellish the world which He has created in the best possible way as no one can find fault with it rather every mind that meditates the scheme of things fills with awe and every tongue that speaks showers inspiration stemming from the core of the heart.

Beauty supplies nearby, and all around us is a source of inspiration and pervasive delight for all as world around is replete with the things which supply beauty as a constant source of joy and happiness. Happy is the heart which takes delight from the products of beauty all around but most of the people lack that eye which appreciates it and many lack that heart which dances with the daffodils. William Wordsworth says that the scene of daffodils is constant bliss in a pensive mood and in the leisure moments.

Then the question arises if, in the midst of such a massive beauty all around, there exists the need for cosmetic arrangements. The creator has produced everything in a perfect and beautiful way then why such beauty products should be used. If human beings are satisfied what has been created by the creator, there is no need of cosmetics. It appears that human urge to look unique and different from others provides basics for the use of outer beauty products. It is not easy to remain within the flock but standing aloof the others is the instinctive desire of every being in this world.

Health and Beauty

Health and beauty are the inseparable universal truths as they corelate to each other in a strong bond. A frail body beset with diseases cannot present what appears attractive. So, it is necessary to maintain good health to look radiant and luminous. It is universally acknowledged fact that a sound body keeps sound mind. When someone is not keeping good health, he cannot think of his appearance. Outer wellbeing requires inner wellbeing. Therefore, beauty and health are interwoven with strong threads of relationship.

From the time immemorial, health has been the most significant question for the human beings. Man has been trying to establish a strong body to look attractive and to exude beauty which may create awe and inspiration in the eyes of others. Personal display of beauty and health have always appreciative tongues. In the modern world, people adopt different methods to be healthy and look attractive. It is not worthless to mention that good health keeps away the load of years on human body.

Although the factors of nature and health are enough to maintain beauty but the satisfaction level remains elusive. Amidst the nature, personal effort needs to be put in place to look attractive. So, the beauty products and makeup items are used to look different and unique. This instinct provides basis for a huge industry across the globe. Makeup items are produced in such a huge number that a commoner cannot even imagine about it. Makeup parlours are there in every nook and corner of the world where makeup artists utilize their expertise to give a unique look and delightful appearance.

Face is the index of personality; therefore, much stress is laid on face care. Face is also the first introduction of someone and in this view, face care gets the primary concern. A lot of attention and a lot many cosmetics, makeup items and beauty products are applied on the face for attraction and inspiration. Face care has become a unique art that requires adept minds and adept hands. Face care is also important because face is exposed to outer factors such as sun, pollutions, heat, cold, ultraviolet rays and other environment factors.

Beauty and Skin

Beauty is skin deep, a popular maxim that goes deep into mind when attraction loses ground to passing years and gaining age. When beauty shines, maxims dim out and when beauty fades, maxims gain grounds. With the old age, beauty products, cosmetics, makeups and face care become dead horse which never runs even flogged hard and twice. So, beauty is short-lived and hay should be made in sunshine whatever time is there at the disposal.

The mind must boggle on the factor if outward beauty is everything and beauty products need to be used to look attractive and inspiring outwardly. If inner self stands nowhere in world of cosmetic arrangements. If positive thinking is not better than makeup and if inner beauty is not better than the face care. Is it not true that think good and look good. If beauty is skin deep, healthy and positive thinking has deeper and stronger roots.  Purity produces purity and pure thoughts present pure personality.

Both the factors inward or outward have their own significance and cannot be denied one for the other. The outward beauty in linked to huge range of beauty products. It is no denying the fact that appearance holds more importance in the era of superficial factors. Not many are there who have the ability to look deep beyond the surface. So outward beauty is everything that requires variety of beauty products. The so huge industry of cosmetics and makeup items are based on the outward appearance and millions and millions of people are attached with it.

So conclusively, outward beauty reigns supreme because appearance is all important and important things are treated exclusively and much care is accorded to this factor. Inwardly one may be beautiful but who cares to go deep into the soul and that beauty needs deeper eyes to recognize but outwardly beauty is because it looks beautiful.

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